With some help, and lots of tears and nervous stomachs , I got him started! It's a long nerve wracking journey, but we just keep trudging along!! Some days I have to actually MAKE myself go ride. Some days the ride are so great and I leave feeling so happy and feel good for myself, the happiness I've been missing comes back!!! I start getting in better shape from all the riding I'm doing and at home make a few changes to be healthier! We throw out the deepfryer and cut back on fatty foods, soda pop and sweets!
Feb 5 2012 (1st ride) - lunged
Walked and turned on lunge line
Feb 6 ( 2nd ride)- lunged , I rode walk /trott ( 2 other horses in arena)
Feb 8 (3rd ride) - lunged , walked off lead , lots of turning, trotted on lead
Feb 10 (4th ride)- got right on- walked. 2 other horses in arena , trot off lead first time , backed
Feb 12 ( 5th ride) - got on - walked turns, (Jenny rode too) trotted circles, I came off , trotted circles again , backed
Feb 14 (6th ride) - got on , walked circles, he kept stopping to poo and smell poo so gave him a little pressure and he hopped forward , learned serpentines. Backed. You lunged him, worked on changing directions and walking on lunge.
Feb 16th (7th ride)
Loped on lunge few strides
Feb 18 ( 8th ride) walked and did circles worked on whoa ( rode with you and Belinda)
Feb 22 (9th ride) - worked on serpentines
Jogged 3 circles, short and sweet ride :-)
Feb. 28 (10th ride) - walked worked on circles a little frisky kept threatening to buck but didn't follow through. Jogged few circles , rode around arena while another horse being lunged. Then jogged around a little more. I worked on sitting back and not leaning forward. Needs work! Got on lunge and loped few strides each way. Kizz crow hopped a bit. Walked some more. More circles.
Feb 29th (11th ride) - groomed, tacked up, rode at walk , circles, went perfect. 3 horses were in arena and left , kept walking perfect didn't get upset. Jogged around arena each direction 3 x. Kept going really good. Walked some more , worked on whoa, then backed. Circles. Then dismounted off by myself. Went A 1. Best ride yet.
March 1 St - (12th ride) quick ride , tacked up got on, 2 horses left , he was fine. Walked , trotted both ways , dismounted , un tacked, treats.
March 3 (13 th ride) - rode with 3 other horses in arena , did small circles , then we all started in one direction, then went to inside and trotted one at a time did both directions a few times. Rode 45 min or more
Backed perfect ( was a little lazy, kept stopping. But walked off well once I gave a little pressure and clucked)
(kizz lunged out to bite Richard) and pinned his ears back after that. Every time a horse trotted or cantered by he would stop or get dancey but by the end he was walking along and ok when they went by. He did great tho. Started dropping his head and rounding his back today.
March 4 (14th ride) walked , trotted both directions , tried to get a canter on the lunge line but wouldn't pick it up. I was holding him back, and very nervous of him rushing into it , racing around.
Trotted both directions again
Walked around cooled out , dismounted ( ava and chris came to watch first time)
March 7 (15th ride)- got on, walked all around quite a while ( with Richard & sue) I trotted both directions. 2 x. Whoa, backed. Perfect ride. He was very quiet and laid back. Aadon got a pony ride then we left.
March 8 (16th ride) - went out took kizz out of pasture with aadon took Kizz into arena , turned on lights , brushed him, bridled & saddled him. Ashley came in with her horse. Then held Kizz while I mounted up. Rode around at walk. ( dena came in) I trotted both directions. Then walked circles rest of the time. Whoa. Backed up. He kept stopping and had to be prodded to go. He was very lazy. Good ride. Treats then to the barn.
( at this point I was still nervous to trot unless my coach was there)
March 10 - (17th ride) - got Kizz out of pasture , no one there ( alex and Kate was with me) brought in. Lunged him. Walk, jog, lope, walk
Tacked up, alex held him , mounted, walked circles. Turning.
(Belinda came in) jogged both ways. Walked a little more. Whoa. Backed
Alex got on for a few circles. Did good.
March 12 - no one at barn
Lunged Kizz he was very hyper and whinnying and kept tossing his head. We jogged mainly but loped both ways and walked both ways. We then did some leadline in the arena. Turning him away from me and turning on the forehand and haunches , treats then into the barn. (too nervous to get on alone)
March 15- (18th ride) rode , ashley & Gary rode sue & sun. Walked circles then walked and trot both ways , he was very hyper to go. Any tiny amount of pressure and he would trot off. His trot wasnt as smooth and wouldn't stay out on rail well (sort of Kept putting his ears back at the other horses a bit) Whoa , backed. Good.
March 16th ( 19th ride!) -
Belinda helped me tack up , rode alone no other horses. He was very fast. Walking around really fast. Trotted both directions 3 circles 2x each way. He raced around a little bit but not so bad that I couldnt sit to it. He flung his head a couple times but didn't act foolish at all. After he quieted down some he started dropping his head and holding the bit and lifting his back. Walked around cooled out. Stopped middle of arena and dismounted.
Treated him
( Dena said to try toms barrel saddle next time I ride)
March 18- (20th) got him out of pasture 3:45 nice and sunny and warm. Went into arena. Saddled up in toms saddle.
Walk circles, walked around rail, trotted both ways. Kizz was extremely lazy. Had to keep prodding him to trot
Holly took videos.
Walked cooled out. Put back in pasture.
March 20 6:00pm - (21st ride)
Tacked up, walked around, circles, jogged both ways (head flinging tonight) started jogging a few strides then stopping. Also tried jogging and doing S 's while jogging. Tried turning on haunches and he did it very very well for first time! Trotted some more
Walked, backed - dismounted in middle of arena. Untacked, then dena lunged him he picked up the lope every time right on cue. Dropped back to trot then asked again picked up perfect. Repeated both directions. Then walked on lunge changing directions few times. Then I cooled him out walked in hand a while.
March 21 - (22 ride)- had a lesson with Jenny & steffanie , nice long ride. Warmed up horses doing bending , then worked on getting a controlled jog. And making him go out on the rail while jogging. Held for 3 strides then let off and repeated until he slowed down some. Then as I came around other horses I bumped him a bit with that outside rein and he kept his attention on me. We jogged both ways multiple times . We cooled out and did dome turning on the haunches and side passing.
Perfect ride. Kizz was very pleasant , (kept dropping his head and lifting his back too)
March 22- (23rd ride) brought Kizz in alone. He was very hyper and wouldn't pay any attention to me. Bridled him. Dena came in , helped me saddle him. She lunged him. He was ignoring her and not paying attention. Finally I rode but he was still ignoring me. Eventually he started to pay attention. We would walk 1/4 barn trott 1/4 barn over and over again. From middle of one wall to middle of next wall. Then corner to corner. Then at the end. I did serpentines up the arena and back 3 times. He was good. Dismounted middle of arena he was quiet and good. I hand walked him to cool him off, She brushed him all off. Then treated. He was quiet then.
March 25 - (24th ride )
Got out of pasture, tacked up alone, got on , walked around surpentines. dena came out , Then started trotting circles 3 across width of arena 2 circles each one switching directions as I go onto next circle. Ride perfect.
March 27- (25 ride) got Kizz, brushed, tacked up, (with Stephanie) dena came in, held him while I mounted, walked serpentines, then started jogging 1/4 arena then walk 1/4 arena he was perfect. Very quiet and laid back. (Jenny came ) then I asked Kizz to lope to the right, tried to pick it up once but he slipped. Tried again. Picked it up great. Went half a circle. Then changed directions, more walk/ jogging/ whoa. Then after they loped that way we did Kizz again. He picked it up pretty good. Loped about a half a circle ! Sat back and he went back to trot
Did excellent! first time loping under saddle!!
March 28 (26 th ride) - got him, brought him in , brushed him off, tacked up, mounted. He was stepping quite fast for the first little bit, we first did walking circles then trotting circles. Then we moved to walking/trotting 1/4 arena. Got him going nice and slow and settled down good. Then asked for a lope. Right lead took a couple tries. Had to keep slowing down his trot and asking again Then we loped half a circle. Brought him down to a walk. Then switched directions and trotted again, picked up going to left very well and loped another half circle. Cooled him off doing serpentines and dena & aadon left to go to house. He was very upset and walked fast and not paying attention. I did some circles then dismounted and untacked and brushed and treated. ( he dropped bit very well too) put him back in pasture :-)
March 29 (27th ride) got him out, took him to arena. Tacked up alone. He stood quietly next to Richard getting tacked up by Stephanie. Got on rode around. Lots of walking/trotting/stoping & standing. Dena went to center of arena and we got him to lope both ways. First right then left then right again ( didn't pick it up well on right first time) picked up wrong lead on right the last try but then we did again and got the right lead a good half circle. Trotted a few more times and got his jog slow again, then we Walked serpentines cooled out. He went right back to quiet. Very laid back tonight.
March 31 (28th ride) - got Kizz , tacked up , got on did some serpentines, was 3 other riders in arena.
Started jogging/walking /whoa
Someone with a baby carriage came towards arena and spooked him. Ran off pretty quick down the arena and I lost my balance to the left.
Hung on til he was slowing down then swung my right foot out of the stirrup and hopped off before I fell or drug on his reins etc. He stopped up. Lead him to the step and got back on.
Then jogged full circle working on slowing down.
Then loped left , picked up good, went close to full circle,
Turned. Jogged couple circles. Slowed down then loped few times , kept tossing me forward off balance then I was leaning ahead and couldnt get sitting back, then he crow hopped some. Got half circle. Then picked it up again. Better that time but felt bumpy and off compared to his left lead.
Then switched and did left lead again , picked it up pretty good. Loped another half circle or more , little crow hopping.
Jogged some circles as we turned he usually dropped the jog. Pretty lazy at that point. Then walk/jogged half arena. Seen holly was there so I started cooling him out.
Treated/brushed / returned to pasture.
Good ride~
(11 rides in Feb & 17 in March)
April 1 (29th ride) got him, brushed , tacked up, he stood middle of arena quietly. Got on rail with the 6 other riders. Walked around. Then jogged in middle and picked up lope, back on rail switched directions with group and repeated. Switched directions few times. Loped good circle each way each time. Picked it up both leads fairly quick. Except once. No crow hopping. Stayed back in saddle better today.
Cooled out then did braided and bagged his tail. groomed
Played around with ground tying and treats a bit then put back in pasture.
April 3 (30th) - dad, alex & I went over. Got Kizz out pasture, went to arena. Tacked up (tammys saddle) got on (Tina & her friend were in lesson) joined in. Started trotting right off. Worked on slowing it down. They took a few turns loping then my turn. Loped left lead first. Picked up great. Did full circle. Switched directions, 2x I was over turning his head so wouldn't pick it up to right. 3rd time I lifted hands both no turning and he picked it up. Perfect. Then jogged/loped other side again then quit. Cooled him out then brushed /treated then took back to pasture. Good ride!
April 6th - went to ride. There were new horses there, he wouldn't pay any attention to me at all. Kept screaming and pushing me around. Dena wasn't out there so I decided to leave. (still nervous )
April 7 - 31st ride -
Tacked up , got on, walked around then trotted circles. He Crow hopped a bit, so then I walked/jogged 1/4 arena walls. Then he settled down. We jogged few circles worked on slowing him down. Switched directions. Did same. Settled in great. Was quiet and standing when done. (no loping)
Brought Kizz home!!
April 30- 32nd ride. (first ride at home)
Tacked up then lead him around the driveway, got bucket, Got on.
Walked around ,he wouldn't pay attention kept turning towards mini's (front pasture) crow hopped And fussed a bit. Got chris to lead me around a bit until he calmed down. Did some circles.
He didn't pay attention well but no more crow hopping. Did both directions. Stopped dismounted.
Lunged him both directions. Did very very well. Paid attention. (had a little trouble keeping to a walk) walked, jogged and loped. Quietly and without racing around. Did good. Walked again a bit then whoa and walked and whoa.
Quit and treats
May 2- 33 ride (2nd at home)
Lunged , walk ,jog, lope both ways good
Was alone so I mounted outside no help, walked around. Jogged both directions did well. Whoa and backed. Dismounted. Short ride but way better
May 5 - lunged Kizz - walk jog lope both ways did well!
Aadon & I rode coby
May6- (34 ride) rode Kizz (no lunge)
Walk jog both ways whoa and backed bending (was perfect. A little lazy even) picks out his feet (he needs trimmed)
Got Kizz, brushed , tacked up- lunged walk, jog , lope (didn't want to pick up the lope) walked again then mounted off bucket - I dragged on saddle a bit And spooked him and he took off. Got him stopped and got my seat. We walked , turned , bending, then jogged
Wednesday next week-Had a hard time keeping him jogging a full circle and he kept making the circle very tiny wouldn't stay out. Walked some more bending backed. Walked. Jogged both directions again. Walked some more , backed then dismounted
Treated , let him eat grass then back to pasture.
May 20th -Sunday - tacked up coby for Alex then tacked up Kizz for me- aadon took some pics of the 2 of us on the horses , did some circles up here - then we walked down following coby & alex into the pasture to the bottom. Did some circles and walking along the fence. He was stepping really fast but didn't once take off on me or anything at all. Then we came back up. Rode around trotting in top of driveway. Whoa and backed well. Put him away.
May 21 -Monday evening - (37th ride) rode Kizz trotted around top of driveway. Walked down the actual driveway and back up a couple times. He was A 1
Sept 3-( ride 39 - very short & sweet)
Lunged Kizz in pasture. Walked jogged ok. Bucked and tried to gallop off at the lope :-( eventually settled down after lots of walking/jogging transitions then brought up top of driveway and mounted. Rode short ride
- good walk /turning/whoa / backed few times then dismounted.
At this point we are both getting very bored of walking /trotting in the driveway. :( Too nervous to ride in the wide open pasture with him
I start riding Coby more and more and Kizz less and less.. I even buy Coby some Easy Boots so I can trail ride him more (trail riding , not ring work, is what I really enjoy!) Coby isn't made for it, and just likes toting the kids around on flat nice ground instead but I'm still too nervous to actually ride Kizz out and do what I enjoy so I just get Coby his boots and decide to ride him (and basically put poor Kizz on the back burner AGAIN ! )
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